Case Study

Fraudulent Supply Chain Networks

Language and Culture

Discovering a supply chain ring of over 100 factories, understanding how language and culture determine the relationship. 

Language and Culture
Language and Culture
Really pay attention
Really pay attention

Really pay attention

Really pay attention to what is happening around you, looking at who is present at every meeting, and asking more questions about the who, why, when, where, what, and how?

o Establishing structure and systems with regular in-person visits frequently.

o Conducting a discovery process at each location. Asking the right questions to the right people.

o Performing an inline inspection according to AQL 2.5 standards,

Resolved without interuption or loss

We had millions of dollars of production at these factories, and without interruption or delay, I was able to complete the orders and remove all future production from these factories.  

Resolved without interuption or loss
Resolved without interuption or loss