Case Study

Review Supply Chain

Supply Chain Review

Working closely with all suppliers on regular reviews, which involves reviewing every stage of production.   This includes but is not limited to creating, implementing, and managing structure, policies, processes, systems, and self-management tools.  You are expected to lead the development of online systems to manage suppliers efficiently and effectively.  

Supply Chain Review
Supply Chain Review

What you discover is that 97% of all suppliers told you what you wanted to hear not actually what was happening.  Really listening to what is being said, being able to verify with regular visits, and asking key people the same questions.  Determining the breakdowns and being there to provide immediate proactive solutions to avoid future catastrophes.

Feeling confident with your supply chain by conducting regular reviews.  As we know from past history, people will always return to their past habits as this is operating in their subconscious.  This means you will need to go back and retrain and retrain til it's perfected.